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ISSN : 1226-4946(Print)
ISSN : 2288-5412(Online)
The Yeats Journal of Korea Vol.14 pp.59-84

A Phenomenological Opening to Yeats’s Poetry: Philosophical Co-presences in “Per Amica Silentia Lunae”

Han Taeho


Poetical revealation of Yeats’s philosophical ideas can be spurred through thephenomenological insights. Its textual practices into Yeats’s poetic totality could open anentrance towards his poetic Tower in his visionary poetic geography. With help ofmany literary or poetical representations in his poetic universality, some signifiers canbe converged to the common inflections, such as intuition, reduction(epoche), PureConsciousness, life-world, etc. The “Indira’s network” has been spread for the poeticsand praxis of E. Husserl’s Phenomenolgy and Yeats’s “Per Amica Silentia Lunae,” oneof his philosophical manifestos.
Yeats’s enigmatic domains in his poetic suliminal consciousness. such as immediatefelt images, ironical rethorics, primitive intellect, incarnated phenomenality, could beilluminated by the reductionary ideation and intentionality, bracketing of Phenomenology.Yeats’s ‘Anima Hominis’ and ‘Anima Mundi’ in “Per Amica Silentia Lunae” has shownthe similar process of Epoche-like ideation. His visionary dogmas has traced the sameepistemalogical traits of the Phenomenology.
The categorial intuiting of the outside phenomenal objects could be the same onthe basis of “suspension of belief” either poetically or philosophically. Yeats’s cognitiveacts is not so different from Husserl’s in the sense of “Going back to the pureconsciouseness.” Their formality and terminology might be distinguishable but the basicideas show the similar principles on the authentic reality(external and internal). Hissomewhat visionary solipcism could be elucidated by the ideas of intersubjectivity,monadology, inference by analogy in Phenomenology.
Yeats’s “A Tenedo tacitae per amica silentia lunae,” thoghtful sedimentation,gradations of perceptual shading in the Vision, eidectic reductions of moon phases, areall the reflections of intentionality of his poetic muses. His “arrow women” into the “boundless and unpredictable world” are the metonymy of “Reduction into theEssences.”
His actual and ideal aphorie, pure ego, soul duality shows the three processes ofdescription, intuitive expression of consciousness, and symbolic significations, sooftentimes found in the phenomenal ideas. These insights could lead to thelight-shedding onto the comparative study of Zen ideas.
Keywords :

現象學을 통한 Yeats 시 해석: “Per Amica Silentia Lunae”의 철학적 시 배경



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