Subscription Inquiry
Publication Ethics Statement
All the authors, who submit their work to the Journal for publication, should read and submit his/her Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research and Publication and affix his/her signature as follows:
Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research and Publication: / 연구윤리서약서:
I submit my work to The Yeats Journal of Korea for publication by declaring that I have abided by all the codes of research and publication as per the Journal’s The Research Ethics Guidelines (Articles 1 to 10 effective as from November 30, 2007) while writing this submission; I affirm that I have not committed any acts that may discredit or damage my work. These include, but are not limited to, falsification, distortion, of research findings or plagiarism. I take all the responsibility for not following the guidelines and for any problems caused by my submission.
Author’s Name, Signature, and Date of Declaration:
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Editorial Office, The Yeats Journal of Korea, Department of English,
Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Korea
Telephone: 82.2.2220.4477
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The Yeats Society of Korea
Editorial Office
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