Aims and Scope

The Yeats Journal of Korea (print: ISSN 1226-4946; e-journal: 2288-5412 website:, a peer-reviewed academic journal on W. B. Yeats and Modern and contemporary literature, is published triannually, April, August, and December, by the Yeats Society of Korea, Korea (website: It is indexed in The MLA International Bibliography (USA), and W. B. Yeats: A Classified Bibliography of Criticism (Ed. K. P. S. Jochum), and The KCI (Korea Citation Index of National Research Foundation of Korea).

ⓒCopyright by The Yeats Journal of Korea. All rights reserved.

Manuscript Submission

The Yeats Journal of Korea is published three times a year, April 30, August 31, and December 31. The journal accepts original submissions, except for special features, on Yeats’s work and Modern and contemporary literature. Manuscripts are to be pursuant to MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. 3rd ed (MLA, 2008), not exceeding 9000 words each, with a 200-word abstract and 5 key words. Less than a 50-word biography of the author with email is to be included on a separate page. Submission by JAMS is required when sent from Korea; submission from outside Korea is by email to be sent in Microsoft Word format to the general coordinating editor:

  2. Submission : JAMS

  3. YSK

    The Yeats Society of Korea

  4. Editorial Office
    Contact Information

    - Tel: +82-2-2220-4477
    - E-mail: