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ISSN : 1226-4946(Print)
ISSN : 2288-5412(Online)
The Yeats Journal of Korea Vol.34 pp.201-216

An Example of Courtly Love: Love between Yeats and Gonne

Hong Sung Sook


The relationship between Yeats and Gonne seems to show an example of thetraditional courtly love. Courtly love was a medieval Europe conception of noblyand chivalrously expressing love and admiration. Under this relationship, although amale expresses the devotional love to a female, a woman shows no love and pityfor a man and a woman is an object who uplifts a man’s spirit. This relationshipmay be said to show the man’s fear of castration.
The relationship between Yeats and Gonne starts by his admiration for herbeauty and sternness as a nationalist for the Irish Independence. Also, he glorifiesher as a secret being. Moreover, Yeats’s love for her shows the doubleness: eroticand spiritual, humane and transcendental, and humiliating and proud. However,Gonne’s coldness leads Yeats to desperation. And the last step shows Yeats’s fearof castration for the politically-minded Maud Gonne. In Rose, there is Yeats’sadmiration for the secret woman, Maud Gonne. Yeats’s unrequited love leads finallyto desperation and sorrow for love, facing Gonne’s unwavering coldness as anationalist, which leads Yeats to give her up, showing a kind of fear of castration.

궁중 풍 사랑의 한 예: 예이츠와 모드 곤의 사랑



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