ISSN : 2288-5412(Online)
Seamus Heaney Plays Colonial Language
Under and after the colonial experience, Most of Irish poets have continuallystruggled against English political system and its language as a colonial one. ButHeaney has consistently defended poetry as agent for redressing injustices in thecorrupt world and at the same time as something to be re-established and celebratedin his own right. The process of Haney's quest for playing colonial language of hisIrish identity as a poet can be effectively understood by examining the way inwhich he employs the poetic of redress.
The main subject of Heaney's poetry is to find out his Irish identification withthe past linguistic tradition and its continuity. The subject is linked with thequestioning of how to turn to playing the colonial language between Englishlanguage and Irish language so called Gaelic which has been dominated by theideology of colonialism.
The major focus of this essay is in his redress of poetic language andplaying colonial language as well as how he appropriate language in his poetry. Inthis regard, This essay tries to search for the true linguistic attitude which Heaneyhas made every effort to materialize in his poetry. In short, Heaney's poetics canhelp his writings maintain the positionality of the decolonial dicourse and thedecolonial literature.
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