ISSN : 2288-5412(Online)
Yeats’s Ideas on the Transmigration of Souls in A Vision
Faculties have an effect on from birth to death in human, but althoughsubmerging in Faculties at the period, Principles have a tremendous impact ongetting a new physical body in the afterlife. If a human passes away his body,Consciousness transfers from Faculties to Principles, also from Will to Spirit. Andthen it arrives at The Vision of Blood Kindred and Meditation. The Vision of BloodKindred is the illusions of every past experience in Husk and Fascinate Body,resulted in final body. And Meditation is to disappear Husk and Fascinate Body andto appear Spirit and Celestial Body. After that, the stream of soul continuouslychanges into Return, Dreaming Back, Phantasmagoria, Shiftings, Beatitude,Purification, Foreknowledge step by step. Yeats described them as a cyclical courseof afterlife in “Byzantium” and “The Man and the Echo.”
In conclusion, a human is reborn in the afterlife through transferring fromPrinciples to Faculties, also from Spirit to Will. The practical transition fromPrinciples Gyre to Faculties Gyre takes place when Consciousness travels fromSpirit to a new Husk. So a human passes away from this world and through thesix courses of reincarnation in the afterlife. He is reborn in another world.
예이츠의 『비전』과 윤회사상
Submission : JAMS
The Yeats Society of Korea
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